Ultra-rapid fuses: when every tenth of a second counts
Solar energy:
PV-safety done and dusted

SIBA photovoltaic fuses have been protecting solar energy systems for over ten years. From small-scale house installations to large-scale solar power plants, from bungalow rooftops in Germany to American supermarkets, from sports arenas in Asia all the way to self-sufficient systems in rural India: customers around the globe put their trust in SIBA fuses. SIBA products for photovoltaic applications profit from our decades old experience with fuses for power semiconductors and electrical components – and our R&D engineers constantly work on developing new products for the industry.
Click here for details about fuses for solar plants.
Power semiconductors:
fast reaction needed

Super-fast tripping times on the one hand, but on the other, the ability to handle even large currents safely. Readily available standard products with many connection options on the one hand, but on the other, special designs that we can develop on request to meet your particular applications. Our Ultra-rapid products are designed for realworld needs – and to give you the peace of mind that your equipment is well protected.
Not just frequency converters firmly
under control

Frequency converters used in motor control allow variable speeds, constant torques and gentle starts. A high-quality solution, therefore. And so all the more important to ensure that such investments are properly protected. Our URDC fuses keep your frequency converters safe from harm. And not just them: UPS, power converters and special applications in the field of wind and solar energy are some of the other areas in which these fuses are used.
Other applications: At home in
many operating classes

Our UR fuses cover the whole range of uses for power semiconductors, starting from classical short-circuit fuses mounted directly on the semiconductor with the back-up operating class, aR, and extending to the full-range operating class gR, which is also able to protect against overload currents, and also to operating class gS, originally introduced by SIBA as operating class gRL. This product protects not only the semiconductor itself, but also the leads. And in doing so, it preserves your investment from harm.